Sunday, May 5, 2019

kidney for transplant was delivered by drone in united state

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               A successful kidney transplant from Baltimore, Maryland, to the United States. Drawing the distance of 5 kilometers in 10 minutes passes the kidneys. A 44-year-old woman's kidney transplant has been done. 

Doctors at the University of Maryland Medical Center said that the woman from Baltimore had been on dialysis for 8 years. The kidneys have been transplanted to them.

kidney for transplant was delivered by drone in united state

There have been many tests before sending the kidneys

To get the kidney safely, the drug was tested by placing medical goods in Drone. It involved things like saline and blood tubes. 

Thereafter he was sent to the Kidney hospital under the supervision of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The team of doctors was also monitoring the drone.

kidney for transplant was delivered by drone in united state

The FAA says this work has been done by a whole team of experts. A few years ago this was thought about, but nobody expected that such an experiment would be successful and it would also be successful.

If you have had a tendency to apologize frequently you may have OCD disease

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               It is a good thing to make mistakes in our lives. But some people consider themselves responsible for everything. If you have such a habit, do not take it lightly, because it can be an indication of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). 

This is a type of mental illness in which a person repeatedly cleanses one thing to Lei, believes himself guilty, and often takes hold of the habit of washing his hands

OCD Disease

About OCD

This is a worrying illness, in which the mindset of the patient often has restless thoughts. He repeatedly repeating the same work, such as washing hands, inspecting things, repeatedly checking things and uttering Sori on every mistake. In addition, this disease also has some fear, suspicion or confusion about the patient's mind. In this case, patients can not stop themselves and worry. 

Apart from this, he has no control over his behavior.

Every year 4 million people become victims

According to the Accusity and Depression Association, 40 million people are victims of OCD every year in the country. OCD is a problem of anxiety, which takes a bigger form if it is not removed in a timely manner. Due to this, false ideas come to mind and the person starts to repeat every action.

Treatment is possible

Researchers say their treatment is very simple. But the sufferers are not ready to believe they have such a disease. The only reason is that there is a problem in treating them. 

If he accepts reality he can be treated easily

What should I do?

There are medicines for this disease, which increase the amount of serotonin in the brain cells. The doctor often advises taking this medication in treatment, which has to be taken for a long time

Therapy will be helpful

Behavior Therapy is also used to remove this disorder. During therapy, exercises and relaxation are used to calm the patient. In addition to this, the theory of freedom of thought in this theory is also taught

People who are defeated by workout are doing surgery in Thailand to make Six Pack Abs

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                People in Thailand are making Six Pack Abs by Surgery. These are people who were doing a lot of workouts to make six packs, but they got a failure.

The surgery takes three to four hours

Under this abrupt implant surgery, the fat around the abdomen is removed, so that six packs can come out. According to the Thai website 'Coconuts', this method is very effective. 

After surgery, the body looks completely natural. The effect of this Six Pack also lasts for a long time.

The name of this hospital in Bangkok, claiming Six Pac Abyss, is a 'masterpiece'. This is a hospital where cosmetic surgery is performed. The hospital claims that it takes three to four hours for the surgery.

 Silicone implants are not performed in this surgery. Because the body does not look good after putting silicone. The hospital says that the cost of this surgery is Rs 2 lakh 60 thousand rupees

                                          surgery fro six pack abs

About 20 to 30 people are coming to the hospital every month

"We are doing this surgery for three-four years," said surgeon Ravivat Meskmado, a hospital surgeon. We have also got licenses like other hospitals in Thailand. We are getting applications from 20-30 people every month for Six Pack Surgery. 90% of the people who come to this surgery are hospitalized, and work out every day in the gym. But their abdominal fat does not shrink and they can not make six-pack abs. '
He further said that young people usually need workouts and weight loss for a six-pack. Most of our customers are those who have more muscles. However, people are expected to succeed in reducing weight without making much effort in less time.

The surgery trend has been reported by sharing the image of the model

According to media reports, this type of surgery is happening in many countries now. But those who have this surgery want to hide their identity. 

The case of this type of surgery in Thailand came against when Model Ome Pangpapan shared his photographs on social media after performing Six Pack Abs surgery.

Recovery is painful

The hospital claims that this surgery does not hurt the body. However, viral photographs on social media show that recovery after surgery is very painful. 

There is also a loss of blood. According to a study, complaints from all 10 of the people who undergo such surgery have been found to flame fluid around the abdomen.

The use of AIDS virus prevention was successful in homosexuals, studying for one thousand couples for 8 years

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               More than 2 crore patients are taking anti-retroviral treatments worldwide to prevent HIV transmission. British scientists used this treatment on gay couples Researchers claim that the medicines treated during unsafe sexual intercourse work to prevent the HIV virus. 

Anti-retroviral treatment is not the treatment of HIV. But this AIDS prevents the virus from spreading.

AIDS virus prevention

New cases of AIDS can be prevented

This study has been done by the University College London researchers. During the research, there was no single case of the HIV virus spreading among the people involved. Researchers say that this help prevented new AIDS cases from occurring.

More than 1,000 gay male couples were involved in the research conducted by the University College in London. One of the partners from HIV / AIDS was HIV positive and was given anti-retroviral treatment. When the other partner was normal. This research lasted 8 years.

Alison Roger, a researcher in the study published in Lancet Magazine says, "Fear of HIV infection is 0% with anti-retroviral treatment. This achievement will help prevent HIV / AIDS from discriminating against the patient and prevention of this disease, like the black tone on his personality.

According to the researchers, in the last eight years of study, 472 cases prevented couples from being infected with AIDS. HIV in this research was 38 years of age for Negative males. Among them, HIV patients were included, whose age was less than 25 years. These patients have to take anti-retroviral treatment every day

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Drinking soft drinks more can be dangerous, which leads to disease like diabetes and cancer

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                People use liquid things to hide thirst in the summer, in which soft drinks are used most. But soft drinks are bad for your health. 

According to one research, the consumption of more soft or cold drinks can lead to cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. 

So if you also consume more soft drinks, be attentive.

Disadvantages of Drinking soft drinks

Why are soft drinks considered harmless?

Soft drinks contain color chemicals, caffeine, aspartame, and extra artificial sweetness. The 350-milliliter cold drink contains about 10 tablespoons of sugar, which causes many diseases. Not only this, it contains ingredients that allow you to gradually drink this drink.

Drink a healthy drink instead of a soft drink

To fill the thirst in the summer, one should drink a healthy drink instead of a soft drink. Drink simple water, coconut water, fruit juice, salt, butter, or a detox drink. 

Thirst will also be concealed and the body will be healthy too.

These diseases occur with soft drinks:


The body needs insulin to digest the sugar in soft drinks, which causes pressure on the pancreas. This increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

The cause of obesity

In soft drinks, sugar is also very high 240 milligrams of sugar, with about 240 calories, which causes obesity. If you drink 1 can of a soft drink or cold drink every day, your weight can increase by 14 pounds per year, which is about 6 kg.

The risk of heart attack

According to one study, for those who drink soft drinks 2 or more times per week, the risk of heat-related illnesses and heart attack is doubled.

This brings the defect to the bones

Bone mineral density also affects the excessive use of soft drinks. The bones break rapidly. The soft drink contains caffeine, which increases the number of calcium emissions in the body through the urethra. This increases the risk of osteoporosis (weakening the bones).

Tooth problems

Drinking more cold drinks increases the level of acid levels in the body, which also affects the teeth' health. It also increases the risk of toothache, inflammation, and tooth decay.

Risky for the kidneys

Cold drink intake is also harmful to the kidneys. The cold drink contains acidic liquid and phosphoric acid, which stops the body's system for a few hours. Has an effect on his kidneys. Not only this, but it also increases the chances of spreading stones and kidneys.

Cancer risk

Chemists and ammonium compounds are made to make soft drinks. These chemicals, amounts of sulfides and sugar, make chemicals that are responsible for liver and cancer. The risk of developing prostate cancer increases by 40% in men drinking soft drinks.

Fatty liver problems are increasing rapidly, 10 to 12 new cases are found each month

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         Our lifestyle has become such that we do not have time to take care of our own bodies, due to which many older health problems have to be faced in the elderly. 

One of the biggest problems of this problem is Fatty Lever. 

According to recent research, the number of non-alcohol fatty liver diseases (NAFLD) has increased rapidly in 2019 compared to 2018. However, no fixed figure has so far been against. But doctors say they find 10 to 12 new cases of this disease every month, including people of all ages.

liver problems

What is the Fatty Lever problem?

Fatty liver is a disease in which liver cells store more fat. Liver fat levels are common. But fatty liver disease occurs only when a person's fat content is more than 10% of the weight of the liver. The liver stops working because of excess fat accumulation.

20% more risk of cirrhosis with fatty liver

Thus all cases of NAFLD are not risky. But it causes problems of ignorance. If not treated in time, it increases the risk of cirrhosis. Experts believe that swelling in the liver increases the risk of cirrhosis by 20%.

The reason for fatty liver

Due to inappropriate diets, people nowadays become fatty litter victims soon. Apart from this, some of the reasons given below make the victim a fatty liver:

  1. Lack of vitamin B in the body
  1. Excess alcohol consumption
  1. Get more cholesterol foods.
  1. Fast food and fried food consumption.
  1. Contaminated meat, dirty water, pepper spicy things
  1. Chlorine content should be high in drinking water.
  1. Malaria, suffering from typhoid.
  1. More uses of Beauty Products
  1. Hepatitis A, B, or C infection
  1. Seek excessive antibiotics medicines

Symptoms of illness

  1. Do not feel hungry.
  1. Swelling in the stomach
  1. Chest tightness and inflammation of the stomach.
  1. Pushing the liver space causes pain.
  1. Acidity or gas problems in the stomach.
  1. Laziness and vulnerability
  1. Spoil the taste of mouth

What to do to prevent fatty liver?

Drink 3-4 glasses of water

Wake up early in the morning and drink 3 to 4 glasses of water. In addition, drink at least 3 to 4 glasses of water all day. 

Drinking water after about 1 hour after eating. Stay away from drinking tea and coffee

Follow the appropriate diets

To get rid of the problem of fatty liver, add more fruits, vegetables, cereals, and healthy food to the diet. In addition, eat less sugar, salt, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fats


Anti-oxidants and insulin-sensitized suppressed drugs are very beneficial to remove fatty liver problems. For this, you can boil cinnamon and drink it too

Exercise every day

Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. Yoga and pranayama can also be done if not exercised. This will protect you from other diseases, including levers

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Sweden's researchers claim that there is a risk of the highest heart attack coming on Monday

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            The rapidly changing lifestyles of modern life are having a negative impact on people's health. Many people suffer from heart disease due to unhealthy lifestyles and poor diets.

 According to reports, cases of heart attack are increasing rapidly. This risk is being found in people of all ages. There is new research on a heart attack. The result is shocking. 

This study has claimed that you can now learn about the risk of a heart attack.

heart problems

For this study, researchers examined data of patients with heart attacks in 1,56,000 hospitals for approximately 7 years, with the exception of the highest incidence of a heart attack on Monday and the lowest cases on Saturday. 

The study's report also claims that the risk of a heart attack coming on Monday is 11 percent more than on the second day of the week. This study has been done by researchers from Sweden.

Young people are more at risk of getting a heart attack

Studies have found that on Monday, young people and working people are more at risk of having a heart attack. Because of this, there is more pressure to work among people on this day.

It has also been stated in the study that the risk of getting a heart attack on Monday is 20% more than on the second day of the week.

The most heart attack comes in December

On the basis of the investigation, the study report claims that the highest incidence of heart attack is in December, while the risk of heart attack is the lowest in July.

It has also been stated in the study that when people are most stressed, the risk of heart attack is most likely. 

Excessive anxiety causes many changes in the body system, which increases the risk of a heart attack.