Saturday, May 11, 2019

Women in nail parlors can be attentive, increased risk of cancer

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                The level of harmful pollution in the air in the nail parlor is similar to that of an oil purification plant or motor vehicle garage so there is an increased risk of cancer, respiratory problems and skin irritation. 

disease related to nail treatment

In one study this has come to light and women have been attentive before going to such parlors.
In recent research, 6 nail parlors were easily monitored on organic substances that were converted into steam and gas. This research is the first research published in serious health risks in this business.

The main reason for harmful gas

According to a team at the University of Colorado Boulder in the US, the health of employees working in nail parlors has to deal with pollutants produced by formaldehyde and benzene. This increases the risk of getting cancer

The risk of lymphoma cancer

The American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found that the risk of developing cancer like 'leukemia' and 'hoarding lymphoma' increases very much if one is in contact with a cancerous combination for a long time. 
Chief research researcher Lupita Montowa said, "This study provides solid evidence for the first time that the Nail Parlor environment is risky for employees and they need to make good policies for their safety.

Pregnant women remain attentive

Lupita said that she had gone to a parlor a few years ago, where she became upset with the intense odor of chemicals used. Apart from this, he also said that 'this risk is seen in the normal women in parlor. 
But going to the nail parlor for pregnant women or asthma patients can increase the risk of cancer. So, if you are pregnant, avoid going to the parlor. '

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