Saturday, May 11, 2019

Improvement in fitness reduces the risk of cancer, for 18 years 49 thousand people have been researched

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               We all know that the positive effect of health falls on our hearts. Due to the fits that we may have, diseases will be so far away from us. 
A study has been done on how true this is, whose study found that people who are physically fit remain out of risk of lung, colorectal cancer, and colon cancer.

Improvement in fitness reduces the risk of cancer

Researchers from the year 1991 to 2009 conducted Exercise Stress Testing on 49,143 adults for this research. The findings of this research show that the likelihood of lung cancer in 77% of people with the most fitness category and 61% of colon cancer was reduced.
This research has been published in a journal called 'Cancer'. The results of this research have shown that 44% reduction in the probability of their death during the investigation of people with lung cancer who had the highest level of health. 
In those who suffered from colon cancer, the number of people who went to the fitness category decreased 89% in the likelihood of death
John Hopkins University's Assistant Professor Catherine Handy Marshall said in the United States,
 "Our research is one of the largest and most diverse group types to see the effect of cancer on cancerous results. Nowadays people go to the doctor to do fitness testing. Already many people may have the result of this and they are reported about the level of cancer and the level of health.So they already know how important the level of fitness is to stay safe from heart diseases."

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