Friday, April 26, 2019

Britain's research found that as much as the toilet seat is as bad as the ATM machine, the risk of serious diseases increases.

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       In today's digital era, ATM machines have become the basic requirement of everyone. Millions of people take money from ATMs every day. But do you know using ATM machines can lead to serious diseases? It is learned from research done in Britain. The result of this research has been that the insect pests that have been severely infected on ATM machines have been stuck.

A recent study found that there are as many insects on the phone screen as on toilet seats. Since then people have become aware of the use of the phone and avoid taking a phone in the toilet. 

But these dangerous microbes have reached the ATM machine too. New research has found that ATM machines have more pests than toilet seats on keypads, and this increases the risk of serious diseases.

frequently use of ATM Machine

UK researchers took samples of ATM machines and public toilets and sent them to the lab for testing. Both samples have found insects that can cause diarrhea and infectious diseases.

Microbiologist Richard Hessing said, "The outcome has been very shocking. There were similar bacteria on the ATM machine, which is on the toilet seat. ' So, be careful if you also use an ATM machine frequently. 

Whenever you exit using an ATM machine, wash your hands with clean water or with a sensor in purses, which will keep you safe from infectious diseases.

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