Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Drinking soft drinks more can be dangerous, which leads to disease like diabetes and cancer

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                People use liquid things to hide thirst in the summer, in which soft drinks are used most. But soft drinks are bad for your health. 

According to one research, the consumption of more soft or cold drinks can lead to cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. 

So if you also consume more soft drinks, be attentive.

Disadvantages of Drinking soft drinks

Why are soft drinks considered harmless?

Soft drinks contain color chemicals, caffeine, aspartame, and extra artificial sweetness. The 350-milliliter cold drink contains about 10 tablespoons of sugar, which causes many diseases. Not only this, it contains ingredients that allow you to gradually drink this drink.

Drink a healthy drink instead of a soft drink

To fill the thirst in the summer, one should drink a healthy drink instead of a soft drink. Drink simple water, coconut water, fruit juice, salt, butter, or a detox drink. 

Thirst will also be concealed and the body will be healthy too.

These diseases occur with soft drinks:


The body needs insulin to digest the sugar in soft drinks, which causes pressure on the pancreas. This increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

The cause of obesity

In soft drinks, sugar is also very high 240 milligrams of sugar, with about 240 calories, which causes obesity. If you drink 1 can of a soft drink or cold drink every day, your weight can increase by 14 pounds per year, which is about 6 kg.

The risk of heart attack

According to one study, for those who drink soft drinks 2 or more times per week, the risk of heat-related illnesses and heart attack is doubled.

This brings the defect to the bones

Bone mineral density also affects the excessive use of soft drinks. The bones break rapidly. The soft drink contains caffeine, which increases the number of calcium emissions in the body through the urethra. This increases the risk of osteoporosis (weakening the bones).

Tooth problems

Drinking more cold drinks increases the level of acid levels in the body, which also affects the teeth' health. It also increases the risk of toothache, inflammation, and tooth decay.

Risky for the kidneys

Cold drink intake is also harmful to the kidneys. The cold drink contains acidic liquid and phosphoric acid, which stops the body's system for a few hours. Has an effect on his kidneys. Not only this, but it also increases the chances of spreading stones and kidneys.

Cancer risk

Chemists and ammonium compounds are made to make soft drinks. These chemicals, amounts of sulfides and sugar, make chemicals that are responsible for liver and cancer. The risk of developing prostate cancer increases by 40% in men drinking soft drinks.

Fatty liver problems are increasing rapidly, 10 to 12 new cases are found each month

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         Our lifestyle has become such that we do not have time to take care of our own bodies, due to which many older health problems have to be faced in the elderly. 

One of the biggest problems of this problem is Fatty Lever. 

According to recent research, the number of non-alcohol fatty liver diseases (NAFLD) has increased rapidly in 2019 compared to 2018. However, no fixed figure has so far been against. But doctors say they find 10 to 12 new cases of this disease every month, including people of all ages.

liver problems

What is the Fatty Lever problem?

Fatty liver is a disease in which liver cells store more fat. Liver fat levels are common. But fatty liver disease occurs only when a person's fat content is more than 10% of the weight of the liver. The liver stops working because of excess fat accumulation.

20% more risk of cirrhosis with fatty liver

Thus all cases of NAFLD are not risky. But it causes problems of ignorance. If not treated in time, it increases the risk of cirrhosis. Experts believe that swelling in the liver increases the risk of cirrhosis by 20%.

The reason for fatty liver

Due to inappropriate diets, people nowadays become fatty litter victims soon. Apart from this, some of the reasons given below make the victim a fatty liver:

  1. Lack of vitamin B in the body
  1. Excess alcohol consumption
  1. Get more cholesterol foods.
  1. Fast food and fried food consumption.
  1. Contaminated meat, dirty water, pepper spicy things
  1. Chlorine content should be high in drinking water.
  1. Malaria, suffering from typhoid.
  1. More uses of Beauty Products
  1. Hepatitis A, B, or C infection
  1. Seek excessive antibiotics medicines

Symptoms of illness

  1. Do not feel hungry.
  1. Swelling in the stomach
  1. Chest tightness and inflammation of the stomach.
  1. Pushing the liver space causes pain.
  1. Acidity or gas problems in the stomach.
  1. Laziness and vulnerability
  1. Spoil the taste of mouth

What to do to prevent fatty liver?

Drink 3-4 glasses of water

Wake up early in the morning and drink 3 to 4 glasses of water. In addition, drink at least 3 to 4 glasses of water all day. 

Drinking water after about 1 hour after eating. Stay away from drinking tea and coffee

Follow the appropriate diets

To get rid of the problem of fatty liver, add more fruits, vegetables, cereals, and healthy food to the diet. In addition, eat less sugar, salt, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fats


Anti-oxidants and insulin-sensitized suppressed drugs are very beneficial to remove fatty liver problems. For this, you can boil cinnamon and drink it too

Exercise every day

Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. Yoga and pranayama can also be done if not exercised. This will protect you from other diseases, including levers

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Sweden's researchers claim that there is a risk of the highest heart attack coming on Monday

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            The rapidly changing lifestyles of modern life are having a negative impact on people's health. Many people suffer from heart disease due to unhealthy lifestyles and poor diets.

 According to reports, cases of heart attack are increasing rapidly. This risk is being found in people of all ages. There is new research on a heart attack. The result is shocking. 

This study has claimed that you can now learn about the risk of a heart attack.

heart problems

For this study, researchers examined data of patients with heart attacks in 1,56,000 hospitals for approximately 7 years, with the exception of the highest incidence of a heart attack on Monday and the lowest cases on Saturday. 

The study's report also claims that the risk of a heart attack coming on Monday is 11 percent more than on the second day of the week. This study has been done by researchers from Sweden.

Young people are more at risk of getting a heart attack

Studies have found that on Monday, young people and working people are more at risk of having a heart attack. Because of this, there is more pressure to work among people on this day.

It has also been stated in the study that the risk of getting a heart attack on Monday is 20% more than on the second day of the week.

The most heart attack comes in December

On the basis of the investigation, the study report claims that the highest incidence of heart attack is in December, while the risk of heart attack is the lowest in July.

It has also been stated in the study that when people are most stressed, the risk of heart attack is most likely. 

Excessive anxiety causes many changes in the body system, which increases the risk of a heart attack.

In the heat season there are some mistakes that affect skin, try these solutions to prevent it

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              Just as much health care as necessary in the summer season is essential to skin care. Skin in the sun quickly turns oily. So it's more important to take care of them. 

In the heating season, there are some mistakes made in the form of makeup, which prove to be disastrous. So try some of the tips below to prevent such errors and keep your skin fresh.

Wash the face once

skin problems in heat season

In the heat, the skin quickly turns oily. Use Mild Soap as often as possible to reduce skin moisture by washing your face. 

When the skin needs more hydration in the heat. If you see oil on the face, you can use Face WIPS instead of face-to-face.


Skin must be hydrated in the heat but heavy motorsisers should not be used. Those who use the choppers in the cold should not be used in the heat.

Acid-based products

Often acne increases in heat. Therefore, salicylic and hyaluronic acid is used, so the skin becomes thin and the UV rays seem to be more affected.

In such a situation, the use of sunscreen is not suitable for skin protection. To remove acne choose organic instead of acid.

Matt Products

People seem to be using more matte products to avoid shiny skin in the heat. The use of matte powder in the sun means a blocky complexion, which should be avoided. Gel-based products can be used.


If you want to get out of the house after dipping the door in the morning, then it will have less time to do its job.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Success in finding genetic disorder named 'Bubble Boy'

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              There are many diseases in the world, which we have never heard of. There is an illness from the same Bubble Boy. This is a life-threatening illness. Researchers have been struggling for many years to find the treatment. 

Eventually, researchers found success in finding the treatment for this disease. Scientists have claimed that he has been successful in treating many children with gene therapy for the first time in the world, who have suffered from the fatal illness 'Bubble Boy'.

Bubble Boy is a genetic disease in children, in which there is no child's resistance system or it is not active. If a child is not treated then he dies at a very young age. The illness is named after 'Bubble', which means it is temporarily like a bubble. 

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital has developed gene therapy. There were 10 children suffering from this disease. After the treatment of these children, they started becoming resistant cells like T cells, B cells, and natural killers (NK).

Genetic disordre

According to a research published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researcher Evelyn Mamcor said: "These children are now beginning to see the effect of the vaccine. In the world, the infections present in the world have started becoming all resistant cells to live normal lives. These ten children were given experimental therapy. 

This therapy has been developed by Brian Sorrentino, Head of the Hematology Department of the hospital. ' Brian died before the research was released.

In this therapy, a virus is inserted by taking bonmers from the children's body and through it, the child is inserted in the real form of the IL2RG gene in the DNA of the stem cell of the child. This cell is then frozen and its quality is tested. Before re-entering the patient's body, it is given a certain amount of medication for two days.

In most incidents, children are given leave from the hospital within a month. Finding Boll Boy's Treatment is great news for the mothers of the sufferers of this disease.

Britain's research found that as much as the toilet seat is as bad as the ATM machine, the risk of serious diseases increases.

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       In today's digital era, ATM machines have become the basic requirement of everyone. Millions of people take money from ATMs every day. But do you know using ATM machines can lead to serious diseases? It is learned from research done in Britain. The result of this research has been that the insect pests that have been severely infected on ATM machines have been stuck.

A recent study found that there are as many insects on the phone screen as on toilet seats. Since then people have become aware of the use of the phone and avoid taking a phone in the toilet. 

But these dangerous microbes have reached the ATM machine too. New research has found that ATM machines have more pests than toilet seats on keypads, and this increases the risk of serious diseases.

frequently use of ATM Machine

UK researchers took samples of ATM machines and public toilets and sent them to the lab for testing. Both samples have found insects that can cause diarrhea and infectious diseases.

Microbiologist Richard Hessing said, "The outcome has been very shocking. There were similar bacteria on the ATM machine, which is on the toilet seat. ' So, be careful if you also use an ATM machine frequently. 

Whenever you exit using an ATM machine, wash your hands with clean water or with a sensor in purses, which will keep you safe from infectious diseases.

The new research of scientists, the cancer test will be recognized in the same test

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               Now a single test will tell whether a person has cancer or not. Researchers at IIT Mandi have researched fluorescent nanodots to show the distribution of water in the cells.

This research has found that water distribution among cancer cells differs from normal cells. This research has found an easy way to find cancer cells.

Chair and Associate Professor of the research team of IIT Mandi School of Basic Sciences, Dr. Chayan K. Nandy said that this research was recently published in the journal Journal of Physical Chemistry.

According to the researchers, fluorescent nanodots are from a scale of the manometer. That is, it is 8,00,000 times more subtle than the thickness of human hair. Nano dots are made of carbon and contain both hydrophilic and hydrophobic (water extraction) water. 

This theory resides in soap molecules. Due to the attraction and secretion of water within a single Nano dot, it brings itself in a suitable form like a water hydrogen bond.

Cancer test

In this research, by inserting a nano tome in the cells it was shown that hydrogen bonds and water content differ in different parts of the cell. The special point of this research is that the hydrogen bond network is found distinct in cancer cells compared to normal cells.

 His work was the first to find that more water was found independently in the center of cancer cells compared to normal cells.

How hydrogen bond work:-

          According to the researchers, the human body is made up of arm-bra cells, which have their own functional determination. There are many components of cells. One of the components has the highest 80% water in the component. 

The components are related to water molecules' weak bond forces near each other, called hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds are dynamic and vary according to the reactions around the water.

American scientists make a worn wearing watch, the emergency medicine will release in the body

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           Patients suffering from severe allergies to specific substances have to take epilation-type injections. But the news that these patients would be relieved came from the United States. 

Researchers at Rice University have prepared a unique 'watch' watch. This syringe watch can be worn on the wrist like a regular clock or bracelet. According to the prescription in case of emergency, the injection of drug directly into the body from the syringe watch is injected.

According to Rice University's scientist Justin Tang, this 3D device has been specially designed for patients who have allergies to groundnut. Many people suffer from problems like acne, scalding, and irritation on the body as a side effect from the use of groundnut, mushroom, olive, coprol, etc. Such individuals keep in touch with injections such as medicine or opinion for immediate treatment. 

But now they will not have to deal with excessive medication or injections.

smart medicine watch

Scientists claim that while wearing this 3D device the person will not have any problems. In this device, the syringe is kept in three pieces, and a syringe drug is injected into the body while pressing the button. In this process, the person does not have any slight pain or pain.

The device will keep the attention of the device in large amounts due to a syringe watch. The device's acourease is higher than Epipain. 

The syringes are usually released into the body of 'Allergic Medicine' epinephrine.

After 30 years of hard work, the world's first malaria vaccine was discovered in Africa

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     The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared 25 April as 'World Malaria Day'. World's first malaria vaccine has been launched in the East African country of Malawi.

An attempt was made to get the vaccine last 30 years. This vaccine has been developed for children from 5 months to two years. The World Health Organization welcomes the historic program of the Malawi Government. Launching this vaccine will help in protecting babies from malaria.

Malaria is the biggest cause of death in African countries. Every year, 2.5 million children suffer from this disease. The malaria vaccine is thought to be an acronym for this disease.

World first malaria vaccine

According to the WHO 2017 report, every year 500 million people worldwide get malaria. 27 million people from 50 million people die due to this disease. In a world of 3 billion and 3 million people, there are more than 106 countries with malaria risk.

WHO estimates that only 89% of South East Asian cases are of Indian origin. India's most influential states include Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tripura, and Meghalaya. In addition, the number of malaria patients in some areas of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar is higher.

Malaria is a potentially life-threatening parasitic disease. It is caused by parasites called Plasmodium vivax (P. vivex), Plasmodium falsipermum (P. falciparum), Plasmodium mellari (P. malary), Plasmodium oval (P. ovale). Malaria fever, headache, vomiting, and other like flu Attributes are found. Anopheles culicifiase is the main disorder of malaria.

Malaria treatment is available in homeopathy, although many doctors believe that serious illnesses like malaria should be treated with allopathic medicines because it is based on scientific research.

If you are using aluminum foil to pack food, be careful, serious diseases can happen

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 Here I am talking about health-related issues that may cause serious problems in future

Generally, we are packing food items in aluminum foil or plastic containers. In this case, the currency of packing aluminum foil in particular has increased greatly. It is also packed in aluminum foil if anything is to be done in restaurants. But food packaged in aluminum foil can also cause serious damage to health.

To pack food items, instead of plastic, steel, clay, bronze, or copper bottles or containers should be used. Home food is full of nutrients. So it should not be packaged in anything that hurts the health.

using aluminum foil to pack serious diseases can happen

When the food item is packed in aluminum foil, the material is added to the food. Especially when we pack hot things. Aluminum foil contains chemicals, which are exposed to food that comes in contact with hot food.

Plastics also contain gene estrogen called fatal chemicals, which causes hormonal changes in the body. Changes in the chemical that come from this chemical inhibit the development of children.

Aluminum foil has been used to pack food today from the kitchen to restaurant kitchens everywhere. However, experts refuse to use this item because aluminum foil has aluminum chemicals.

Aluminum packed food

It keeps the food warm. But the chemical contained in it mixes with food, which reaches the body and takes the place of zinc. Zinc is very essential for insulin function in the body.

Many research has found that aluminum can cause Alzheimer's. The use of aluminum foil every day stops brain development. A bone may also be weakened by cooking in aluminum foil. Not only this but the central nervous system can also be damaged by the use of aluminum foil. Therefore, the use of aluminum foil should be avoided as much as possible. 

Monday, April 22, 2019

The World Health Organization has released guidelines for what to do and not do for a healthy lifestyle

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The World Health Organization has released some guidelines for the first time on digital health technology. Many people feel that I am fit. But this is wrong when a person gets into a disease when he feels that he is not healthy. Illness does not mean any disease. 

Nowadays obesity or the pain from an infection is a sign of not being healthy. So let's know what we should do and what not to do to stay calm.


Who guideline for healthy lifestyle

What do we do: According to research, 18% of people those who never exercise? Whereas 40 percent of those quit exercising after exercising one month of exercise.

What to do: If you want to lose weight or not reduce weight, you should exercise 30 minutes daily. Exercise five days a week, if not every day possible. 

If you cannot exercise, increase your physical activity as much as possible and stay 30 minutes away.


Who guideline for healthy lifestyle

What do we do: According to a survey, 60% of people drink only 2-3 glasses of water a day. Many people are suffering from many diseases because of not drinking water.

 Doctors believe that the main cause of rising diseases in the current period is not drinking water

What to do: Take the habit of drinking water for the first morning. Many people say they cannot drink more water. You need to practice this. If you drink two glasses of water daily and one day decide that if you drink 10 glasses of water from today, then it is not possible. 

Gradually, the volume should be increased gradually. Drink more water if you have problems drinking water


Who guideline for healthy lifestyle

What do we do: Many people do not understand the importance of snacks. However, from doctors to dieticians all people believe that breakfast is necessary for the morning. 

If you are following a diet then morning breakfast is the most important part of it.

What to do: Make a habit of having breakfast in the morning. Decide whether it is too late, but in the morning, eating something from home will only be eaten. If it is not possible to do this, keep the fruit together. 

Keep things that are already in the drawer of the office table, if you have to do breakfast at a time, you can eat something in the office


Who guideline for healthy lifestyle

What do we do: In the current time, people's life has become so busy that people can sleep for 5-6 hours due to work. Sometimes sleep is not enough to spend more time on gadgets such as mobile, and laptops.

What to do: It is very important to know how you are sleeping at the time of sleep. For example, every day you are taking 7 hours of sleep. But there is no sense of such sleep if someone is raising you frequently. 

You wake up and go back to sleep again, in which the brain does not calm down and sleep does not even finish.

Jogging is more beneficial in the evening, less oxygen is used in the body

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In order to stay fit, there have been some surprises in the report for jogging in the morning. A team of scientists has published two reports after research. According to this report, it is more beneficial for people to jog in the evening than in the morning.

In the evening, a person uses 50% less oxygen at the time of jogging and can run with more energy. This is revealed in research by a team of scientists from the Israel Weisman Institute of Science and the Irvine-based University of California

Jogging is more beneficial in the evening, less oxygen is used in the body

Scientists say that the results of their research may not prove 100% accurate on humans. There are many people who choose to wake up at night or work at night again. While some people are also there, who prefer to work early in the morning

The research team said that jogging has a positive effect on our daily activities. This keeps us fit even if the weather is not suitable for change and health. A bad routine often means sleeping and eating.

Routine affects the person's mentality and limbs. If a person's routine is bad, he may also have a risk of serious diseases like cancer. A person may also have sleep problems. 

It can also go into depression. To prevent all these diseases, one should be involved in daily exercise

In the first research, scientists ran the rat on the treadmill. If the results of this research by the team were compared to 12 people, the result was similar. In 2009, this technique was also tried during the cycling event Tour de France. This cyclist was applied to increase capacity

Saturday, April 20, 2019

New features that may change the use of whatsapp

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WhatsApp is one of the most widely-used modes of instant messaging globally. The new features that the app gets every few weeks help in sustaining its popularity. While some of these features are incremental changes, some others change the way we use the app.

 These new features are first tested in beta mode. Here are  Some features spotted in WhatsApp beta that promise to change the way you use Whatsapp.

new features of whatsapp

To keep your chats more secure

Already available for iPhone users, this feature was also seen in a testing phase for Android users on beta version 2.19.83. This feature will allow users to add a security layer to the app and will open only according to the settings you have selected. 

After enabling it, you can configure when the authentication feature should lock the app -- Immediately, After 1 minute, After 10 minutes, or after 30 minutes

Blocking the option of taking chat screenshots

In what can easily be called one of the biggest changes that are yet to come to WhatsApp, the instant messaging app will block users to take screenshots of chats, if they enable biometric authentication. This was spotted in WhatsApp beta version 2.19.106

To find out how frequently a message has been forwarded

WhatsApp is also said to be working on rolling out a feature that will tell users how frequently a message has been forwarded. 

Users will also be able to see how many times a message was forwarded in the 'Forwarding Info' tab. This was spotted in WhatsApp beta version 2.19.97.

Changing the way audio files are sent on WhatsApp

As seen in WhatsApp Beta version 2.19.89, this feature is said to allow users to play the audio files before sending it. Also, it will allow them to send 30 audio files at once.

Dark mode for better ‘visibility’

A much-awaited feature on WhatsApp, the dark mode was last seen in WhatsApp Beta version 2.19.87. This model has been seen on various windows of the instant messaging app including main settings, account settings, chats settings, notification settings, and data and storage usage settings

Using multiple apps for videos within WhatsApp

Also seen in the WhatsApp Android Beta version 2.19.86, this feature is claimed to allow users to watch videos from YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Streamable even if they switch chat without closing the video. 

Moreover, it will continue to play these videos even if you go to another app, just as long as WhatsApp is running in the background.

Opening links in Whatsapp set to become easier

WhatsApp is also said to working on launching an In-App Browser, which will open when the users will try to open a link. 

This browser is also said to be able to detect if the requested page is not safe to visit. This was seen in WhatsApp Android Beta version 2.19.74.

Stickers are also set to get better

Animated stickers that work sort of like GIFs have been spotted in WhatsApp. These stickers can be included in an existing stickers pack. This feature has allegedly been spotted in all three operating systems -- Android, iOS, and Web.

Hiding chats may become simpler

WhatsApp is said to be working on adding an option that will allow its users control of whether chats get unarchived when a new message arrives. Currently, when you archive a chat, WhatsApp automatically unarchives it once a new message arrives from that chat. This was spotted in WhatsApp Beta version 2.19.101.

Checking if an image sent is fake or real

Seen in WhatsApp Beta version 2.19.73, this feature is said to allow users to search for an image on the internet that you sent/received in your chats. 

In other words, users will be able to check whether any news or information related to that image is fake or real.

Fitness and Activity Trackers belts

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Nowadays people are more aware of their fitness. So Many companies sell fitness belts. Fitness belts include so many features like an activity tracker, sleep monitor, drinking time, heart rate monitor, blood pressure monitor, step calculator, etc.
 Here I mention Some fitness tracker belts under 5K

Infinix XBand 3

fitness devices

The Xband 3 can track numerous things such as heart rate, blood pressure, steps, calorie consumption, and even sleep cycles. Equipped with a touch screen, this tracker also has a Reminders function that allows users to read their messages, notifications, and phone calls if they connect it to the Infinix mobile app. 

Other features include a color screen, IP67 water resistance, about 20 days of standby time, and stream music. Originally priced at PHP 1,599, the Xband 3 is currently tagged at PHP 749 

Atmos Fit Hydro

fitness devices

Heart-rate monitoring, pedometer, sleep tracking, and calorie counting are the main features of the Atmos Fit Hydro. 

This tracker is also waterproof, has push notifications capabilities, and can be charged through USB. Technopop and Kimstore carry the Atmos Fit Hydro for a price of PHP 890.

Inifinix XW01

fitness devices

Another fitness tracker from Infinix, the XW01 features a rounded square screen instead. A couple of functions this tracker has are a heart-rate monitor, blood pressure and blood oxygen monitor, sleep monitor, pedometer, alarm clock, and sedentary reminder. It’s also capable of syncing with your smartphone for messages, social media notifications, and even calls. The Infinix Lazada store sells this tracker for PHP 999, a pretty huge markdown from its original price of PHP 1,599.

Honor Band 4

fitness devices

The latest edition in the Honor band lineup, the Honor band 4 features a heart rate monitor, sleep monitor, sedentary reminder, pedometer, and multiple sports management. 

It’s also waterproof, has support for message notifications, and syncs with your smartphone through an app. The Honor band 4 is available for a price tag of around PHP 1,999.

Xiaomi Mi Band 3

fitness devices

Smartphones aren’t the only thing in Xiaomi’s arsenal, they also have an activity tracker! The Mi Band 3 features a full OLED touch display with heart monitoring, daily step count, calorie count, distance counter, and even a sleep analysis function. Other capabilities include real-time notifications, 

weather forecasts, a secondary workout screen mode, and waterproofing of up to 50m. Originally priced at PHP 2,990, you can get the Mi Band 3 for PHP 1,495 at Xiaomi’s official Shopee page.

Cherry Flare Watch 

fitness devices

Not to be outdone, our very own Cherry Mobile has a fitness tracker too. The Flare Watch and Activity tracker has a 1.3″ IPS display with heart rate monitoring, sleep monitoring, and pedometer functions. It’s also waterproof, has Bluetooth connectivity, and compatible with both Android and iOS. 

Tagged with a PHP 2,499 price, the Cherry Flare Watch & Activity tracker can be bought through Cherry Mobile or the Globe store.

Amazfit BIP

fitness devices

With a 1.28-inch touchscreen, the Amazfit BIP can monitor mileage, altitude, stride frequency, pacing, and other sports data. It also has a heart rate sensor, GPS, calls reminders, and push notifications. 

Get it for PHP 2,799 instead of its original price of PHP 3,799 at Amazfit’s Shopee page.

Fitbit Inspire

fitness devices

Fitbit’s newest low-cost tracker, the Fitbit Inspire, has recently landed in the Philippines. It comes with automatic activity, exercise and sleep tracking, sedentary monitoring, a timer, and a stopwatch. 

The device is swim-proof and equipped with a touch display, capable smartphone notifications, and has up to 5 days of battery life. For a price tag of PHP 4,590, you can get the Fitbit Inspire at any Digital Walker branch nationwide.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

World Hemophilia Day 17th April

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This year, the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) is focusing on reaching out and identifying new members of the bleeding disorders community. 

For many years, the WFH has supported outreach projects in different countries and conducted educational events for both lay and healthcare professionals in conjunction with our national member organizations (NMOs).

The WHD 2019 campaign will feature examples of WFH outreach initiatives such as organizing regional workshops, raising awareness of bleeding through media coverage or training health professionals, and collecting data. 

It will combine these examples with submissions from our community about outreach efforts in their own regions or ideas about what would be helpful for future initiatives.

Each year, numerous landmarks change their lighting to red, the color associated with awareness of bleeding disorders. National organizations, health treatment centers, patient groups, and their partners around the world conduct or get involved in media events, awareness campaigns, and special activities organized for the day.

World Hemophilia Day 17th April

Inside Changi Airport Singapore's new 'Jewel,' home to world's tallest indoor waterfall

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A seven-story waterfall designed by Safdie Architects has become the shining focal point of Singapore’s Jewel Changi Airport. The 130-foot “Rain Vortex” is supplied by collected rainwater, and flows at the center of a greenhouse topped by an inverted glass dome. 

Nearly 10,000 gallons of water are pumped through the circular installation per minute from a centralized oculus in the middle of the space.

 The overhead dome is composed of gridded glass thick enough to absorb any noise created by the aircraft taking off and landing and was tested to ensure it wouldn’t give off any distracting reflections to nearby air traffic controllers.

The new addition also includes five stories of shopping, a netted play area, and a terraced garden called the Shiseido Forest Valley that is dotted with smaller waterfalls accessed by trails. 

Although the waterfall at Jewel Changi Airport has just opened, it will soon be eclipsed as the tallest after the 2020 completion of a 164-feet-tall waterfall installed at Grimshaw‘s upcoming Qingdao Eden Project.

Changi Airport Singapore

Changi Airport Singapore

Changi Airport Singapore

Changi Airport Singapore

Changi Airport Singapore

Changi Airport Singapore